Lee's Priority Issues

Medical Freedom And Autonomy

I firmly support the right of adults to choose their own medical and healthcare options, free from government interference. A truly free market in healthcare allows for competition, innovation, and greater choice, empowering patients to seek treatments and providers that best meet their needs. Government restrictions, such as mandates or excessive regulations, often stifle innovation, increase costs, and limit access to care. By removing these barriers, individuals are free to pursue the healthcare that aligns with their personal preferences and circumstances, leading to a more responsive and efficient healthcare system.

Drug Decriminalization

Adults should have the right to make personal choices about their own bodies without facing criminal punishment. We have spent huge amounts of money over the last 40 years to stop the effects of drug abuse, and it has had no effect. Criminalizing drug use harms society by overcrowding prisons and stigmatizing vulnerable people, while failing to address addiction’s root causes. Decriminalization focuses on treatment and education, offering compassionate support to those struggling with addiction without the lasting harm of a criminal record. It also reduces drug-related violence by eliminating the black market and enabling safer, regulated access. This approach respects personal freedom while promoting public health and a more compassionate, just society. It is simply far more effective for far less money.

Smart School Choice

I believe the State of Texas already offers some free educational choice with its Charter School system, which provides families with alternatives to traditional public schools without direct cost. However, I would still support a no-frills voucher bill, as it would further expand educational freedom by allowing parents to use public funds for private school tuition or other educational expenses. A voucher system would create more competition among schools, driving improvement and innovation, while giving families more control over their children's education. By keeping the bill simple, without unnecessary add-ons, the focus remains on empowering families with choice and ensuring a straightforward, efficient use of public resources.

2nd Amendment

I support individuals' unalienable right to own and carry arms and body armor for self-defense, consistent with the Non-Aggression Principle and the protections enshrined in the Second Amendment. The ability to defend oneself, one's property, and loved ones from aggression is a fundamental aspect of personal liberty and autonomy. When individuals are equipped with the means to protect themselves, they are less reliant on external forces like the government, which can be slow or even oppressive in its response. Respecting this right ensures that individuals are free to live in accordance with their own values, as long as they do not initiate force against others.


I believe that individuals are fully entitled to the entire fruits of their labor, as they alone have earned it through their efforts, skills, and time. By taking the wealth created by individuals, the government violates the principle of voluntary exchange, making taxation a form of legalized theft that contradicts the core values of self-ownership and economic freedom. But taxation is not the problem, it is the symptom. What we really need to cut is our of control spending and debt. When we reduce wastfull spending, it reduces debt and eventually taxes. We can have no permamant reduction in taxes without addressing spending.

Property Rights

I strongly believe that property rights should never be violated or interfered with by any person or government. Property rights are a key part of personal freedom, giving people the right to control what they have earned through their own work or trade. Any attempt to take or control someone’s property, whether through government rules, taxes, or force, is an attack on that person’s liberty. Protecting property rights ensures that individuals can use, enjoy, and manage what they own as they choose, without anyone unjustly taking it away.